Student Employment

Ornate door

Working part-time as a student employee while you're going to college can provide more than just money. Your job can give you a break from the pressures of academic life, helping you learn new things and meet new people. The ability to work before, between, and after scheduled classes is also a benefit of working as a student employee at St. Edward’s. 

There are various opportunities for student employment in on-campus positions and off-campus community service positions. When considering employment with the university, you should weigh the advantages of locating a job that matches your special skills, interest, and/or academic major.

On-campus student employment at St. Edward’s is offered through a wide variety of departments. Students can be paid directly by the department or through a work-study program. 

Student positions paid directly by a department enable students to work on-campus even though they do not have a work-study award through the Office of Student Financial Services. University departments hire approximately 800 student employees under this program. The large number of job opportunities funded by this program helps illustrate the investment university departments commit to student employees.

The work-study program provides students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience through part-time employment. Participants must have demonstrated financial need and have a work-study award as part of their financial aid offer through the Office of Student Financial Services. Examples of jobs include tutors, office assistants, recreational assistants, facilities assistants, and event staff.  Each year, approximately 250 students are funded for job opportunities through this program based on the work-study allocation provided to the university by the state and federal governments.

Work-study is coordinated through the Office of Student Financial Services (SFS). SFS is located in Main Building, Room 204. Our office can be contacted at (512) 448-8523 locally or toll-free at (800) 555-0164. Office hours are 8am-5pm Monday through Friday.

Off-campus community service offers students a chance to gain work experience while also giving back to the community.

Who should I contact?

  • General Employment: Human Resources (512-448-8587)
  • Work-Study: Student Financial Services (512-448-8523)
  • Job Postings (Hilltop Careers/Handshake) and Assistance in Applying for Student Employment Positions: Career and Professional Development (512-448-8530)

Policies - General information regarding the policies specific to students employed by St. Edward's can be found in the student employee and university employee policies. In addition to the information and policies stated in the Employee Handbook, student employees of St. Edward's have specific policies pertaining to their employment. Any discrepancy between the information found between the Employee Handbook and the policies outlined for student employees is resolved in favor of the student employment policies.

Student Procedures

Applying for Work-Study Eligibility

The university encourages all students regardless of perceived need to apply for Work-Study funds. To complete this process:

  1. Student should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online
  2. Once complete or if already completed, a student must list the St. Edward's federal school code, 003621, in the school release section.
  3. Once a valid FAFSA is received the university will determine eligibility for work-study funding. If eligible, an offer will be made.
  4. The student must view and accept their aid offer and complete any additional requirements to secure the aid offer in myHilltop.
  5. Students are asked to share their Work-Study offer(s) with supervisors found on myHilltop.

Find a Job

  1. A student is responsible for accessing the university’s online employment center Hilltop Careers available via MyHilltop
  2. After logging in the student should create a profile and resume (information is available via the Career and Professional Development Center).
  3. Search the listing and apply to one or more relevant positions.
  4. After applying, if selected, the student is responsible for completing all required interview steps identified by the hiring supervisor.

Student Onboarding with HR

All student employees are responsible for completing the appropriate hiring documentation to ensure access to timesheets and for payment of time worked.

New Student Employees

New student employees are required to complete their New Hire documents, including:

  1. I-9 Form
  • Review the USCIS list of acceptable documents required to complete the I-9 Form 
    • We must see original, physical, unexpired documents (scanned copies and/or photos will not be accepted)
    • Employees may present one selection from List A or a combination of one selection from List B and one selection from List C
  • You will receive an email to your SEU email address from E-Verify+ with instructions to sign up, or log into your myUSCIS account and complete Section 1 of the Form I-9.
    • Make note of the Case Number included in this email for future use.
    • Make sure to enter your SEU email address when completing your E-Verify+ registration.

Step 3: Documentation Review   *Required*

  • We must review your original identification document(s) and fully complete Section 2 of Form I-9 by the third business day after the first day of work for pay.  Failure to comply with this legal requirement may result in termination of employment.
  • Once you complete section 1 of the Form I-9, you will receive a confirmation prompt on your screen.
  • Human Resources still needs to review and verify the documents you submitted in Section 1 virtually or in person. Don't forget to bring your I-9 identification documents to the review!
    • Please sign up for a virtual appointment slot to review and complete section 2 of the Form I-9 here
    • Alternatively, visit our in-person scheduling calendar here to sign up for an in-person appointment slot, or you can visit the Human Resources Office as a walk-in.
      • We are located on the SEU campus in Premont Hall, Room 101, and are available from Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. A map of our campus can be found here

Please note that though you receive this prompt, you are not yet done with the Form I-9.

  1. Payroll Payment Option Form (Direct Deposit)
  2. W-4 
  3. Background Check (if applicable, only if job criteria involves:)
  • Keys
  • Cars
  • Supervision of children

Students cannot begin working until all of these documents are in their personnel file.

Visit Human Resources Monday thru Thursday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. or Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The Office of Human Resources is located on the SEU campus in Premont Hall, 1st floor. 

New International Student Employees

In order for an international student to work, they must apply for a Social Security Number (SSN) through the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSN is required to process their job in Banner.

  1. Employee gets in contact with the International Student Services (ISS) on campus to retrieve a verification of employment (VOE)
    1. The student’s supervisor will need to approve that the student will be employed with them
  2. The student brings the VOE and foreign documentation to the SSA so they can apply for a social
  3. Once the student has obtained their card, they need to update their student record at the Registrar’s Office (MAI 221)
    1. The Registrar will update the students school record and then Banner will update that information overnight
    2. Student hiring paperwork will be able to generate at that time
  4. Student visits Human Resources to complete their I-9
    1. Ex: An F-1 student may choose to bring in a foreign passport, I-94 (which can be printed out), and an I-20
  5. All immigration status holders will be asked to complete a tax treaty profile in Glacier based on the determination of the Payroll office.

Beginning Employment

  1. Once authorized to begin work, students must share their class and exam schedule with their supervisors.
  2. Students must notify their supervisors of all other student employment positions they currently hold.
  3. Students should compare their schedules when working multiple positions to ensure their total hours worked do not exceed the 20 hours-per-week maximum for fall and spring semesters.
  4. Students will schedule times that do not overlap with scheduled classes or exams.
  5. Students are expected to review and follow all relevant sections of the Employee Handbook.
  6. Students choosing to leave employment are asked to notify supervisors in a timely fashion (recommended two-weeks’ notice period prior to the final date of employment).

Get Paid

To ensure proper payment for time worked, student employees must complete their timesheet on a bi-monthly basis.

Accessing/Completing Timesheets:

  • Log in to your myHilltop account
  • Select the Submit/Review Timesheets task
  • Follow the timesheet tutorial video to ensure that your timesheet is completed correctly

Student Pay Information:

View Work Study Earnings - Student employees who receive wages through the work-study program can view their work-study earnings through their myHilltop account. To access this information, please complete the steps below


Why On Campus Jobs are Great

Do you want to gain real-world experience, plus some extra money without even having to leave campus? Discover the many benefits of an on-campus job.